The Chrysalis Effect
Trauma Informed Specialist Coaching and Recovery Program
This program is for you if you are suffering with chronic illness of M.E, C.F.S., Fibromyalgia or Long Covid.
A chronic illness is characterised by unexplained tiredness that has been consistent for 6 months or more and has 4 or more symptoms with no other apparent illness.
I have the hope and faith that you can heal from chronic illness, as I did, and you can too, when you start working with me to overcome the symptoms of chronic ill health through a specifically designed approach for these illnesses.
This program will give you everything you need to feel better, grow stronger and get back to the life you want to live.
Are you suffering from one or more of these symptoms?
Where you are at right now
- You may have consulted a doctor about some or all of these symptoms and been referred to different specialist consultants who only look at one symptom in isolation.
- You may have had medical tests that have been normal.
- You may have tried other holistic practices to ease your pain such as Reiki, Acupuncture or Somatic Movement.
- You may have been in a cycle of days in bed and pushing through again.
- You have reached the end of your tether about what to do to help yourself.
- You are really worried about what is wrong with you and fear that the doctors have got it wrong.
You are not alone, all these symptoms and patterns of searching for what is wrong with you and trying to find the solution are all very common with the people that find their way to me and it was a path I followed myself when I was diagnosed and it is all adding to your stress.
You are now in the right place to truly address, with my support, your healing journey. Let’s chat… book here.
This program offers you
A tailored coaching support package for your individual needs through your recovery journey over a 12 month period, where we travel together, including: –
What can you expect when you join me ?
By working with a trauma informed specialist trained expert in Chronic Illness Conditions, you will be able to live your life with:
- The hope and freedom you have achieved
- By maximising the knowledge and changes you have made knowing they will last you a lifetime
- A renewed quality of life and sense of purpose
- Better overall health and improved energy
- No more boom-and-bust cycles
- The removal of worry and anxiety around your health
- Significantly reduced pain or the ending of symptoms
In the field of CHRONIC STRESS & PAIN CONDITIONS clients are often told there is no cure and pain management is the only method offered by medical practitioners to manage these conditions.
But, at the Chrysalis Effect we have a holistic approach that works, many people have fully recovered through our program.
If fact, the NHS has been running a 2-year pilot with us and seeing great results with their patients. So now our work is expanding into the health service and wider wellbeing circles to improve outcomes with all clients and patients.
As a Trauma Informed Specialist Practitioner, I support your recovery journey to full health and wellbeing through coaching with you on your individual needs and areas you wish to address in order to start feeling better. We will assess your current situation and begin with where you are currently at.
Are you ready to find out more about saying goodbye to chronic illness?
To discuss further and get your questions answered book in for a chat with by clicking the button below.
Or if you would like to know more about the program or ask me any questions please email at: